A timeless art reimagined.
A timeless art reimagined.
A timeless art reimagined.


Veneering, a technique dating back to ancient Egypt, experienced its golden age during the Renaissance, Baroque, and Rococo periods. Today, skilled cabinetmakers continue to push the boundaries of this art form, creating intricate and visually stunning surfaces.

At DTales, we believe in the seamless integration of veneers. By carefully selecting and assembling individual plies, we craft expansive surfaces where the join lines are virtually invisible. This meticulous attention to detail results in a harmonious and continuous wood grain pattern.

Our master craftsmen possess a deep understanding of the raw materials they work with, enabling them to create extraordinary effects through veneering. By studying the interplay of curves and edges, they skillfully highlight the unique characteristics of each piece.

The DTales project is driven by a passion for combining traditional craftsmanship with innovative technologies. Our goal is to create emotionally resonant pieces that captivate the viewer.

Beyond wood veneers, our expertise extends to decorative coverings made from composite materials like carbon fiber, offering a modern and sophisticated aesthetic.
